10X Your Podcast Appearance

Generate more engagement, leads and sales from your past podcast appearances and existing blog content.

Are you ready to use your EXISTING CONTENT from blog posts and guest podcast appearances to:

Build your email list?

Generate more revenue?

Showcase your expertise?

If you have been a podcast guest or have been writing blog posts with the hope of them bringing in new prospects to your business, it's time to start using that content to your advantage!

Introducing Podcast Maximizer. Simply the best way for you to take control of your blog posts and past podcast appearances.

Get maximum revenue by reaching the right audience with the right message.

Podcast interviews and blog posts are a great way to showcase your subject matter expertise but the reality is that far too many do not get the long term value from them that they were hoping for.

That is why we created the Podcast Maximizer system. The podcast maximizer system will leverage your expertise shared on your interview by creating an asset that positions you as the subject mater expert in your industry that can be used to generate new clients for years!

Leverage your expertise with an eBook/guide that positions you as the authority in your industry.

Who this is for

If you are an entrepreneur and have been interviewed as a guest on a podcast or have been producing blog posts but not getting the results you were hoping for, you probably qualify for this program!


Turn your guest podcast

Interview into a Lead Generating Machine.

Manuscript Creation

Full Manuscript Creation

An editor will listen to your episode and create a manuscript from it to ensure proper context. The core message of the episode is clearly and concisely written.

Consolidate the Message

An editor will send your manuscript for your review. Here is where you list the strengths and areas of concern, and offer final edits before proofing.

Are you ready to use your guest podcast appearances to:

Build your email list?

Get more website leads?

Showcase your expertise?

If you have been a podcast guest, it's time to start using that platform to your advantage by converting it into a digital asset!

Introducing Podcast Maximizer. It's the best way for you to take control of your podcast appearances and maximize them for your business.

Leverage your expertise with a book that positions you as the authority.

Podcast interviews can be a great way to talk about your subject matter expertise but the reality is that far to many guests do not get the long term value from their episode they were hoping for. That is why we created the Podcast Maximizer system.

The podcast maximizer system will leverage your expertise shared on your interview by creating an asset that positions you as the subject mater expert in your industry that can be used to generate new clients for years!

Podcast Maximizer is a service designed to help you get the most out of podcast guesting spots. You spend the time to be a guest on podcasts, so why not make sure you’re getting the most out of your time?

We take the stress and hassle out of creating lead magnets by transcribing, editing and designing your podcast interview into a shareable PDF. [Podcast Maximizer] handles everything from editing your audio files down to crafting the PDF design. All you have to do is email us your recording files and we take care of the rest! Plus, we offer lightning-fast turnaround times so that you can get your lead magnet up as soon as possible.

Try Podcast Maximizer today for a faster way to turn one podcast guesting appearance into multiple leads for your business.


What goes into turning a podcast episode into an eBook?

Manuscript Creation

Full Manuscript Creation

An editor will listen to your episode and create a manuscript from it to ensure proper context. The core message of the episode is clearly and concisely written.

An editor will then send your manuscript for your review. Here is where you list the strengths and areas of concern, and offer final edits before proofing.

Layout & Design

Interior Layout & Cover Design

Once the manuscript is approved our designers create a professional cover design and interior layout consistent with your brand.

Graphics & Illustrations

Our graphic artists create and source professional illustrations and images to showcase your subject matter expertise.

Layout & Design

Interior Layout & Cover Design

Once the manuscript is approved our designers create a professional cover design and interior layout consistent with your brand.

Graphics & Illustrations

Our graphic artists create and source professional illustrations and images to showcase your subject matter expertise.

Publish & Promote

Publish on Website

We add your eBook to your website as a digital download. This reduces your website bounce rate and gains you new email subscribers & social media followers.


We publish your eBook on Amazon and as many international platforms as possible. We’ll provide the best options for you, handle all account and file creation, and make sure your book is prepared for launch.

Podcast Maximizer is a service designed to help you get the most out of podcast guesting and blog posts. You spent valuable time to appear as a subject matter expert so why not make sure you’re getting the most out of your time?

We take the stress and hassle out of creating lead magnets by transcribing, editing and designing your podcast interview into a shareable, hosted flipbook.

We handle everything from editing your audio files down to crafting the interior and cover design. All you have to do is send us a link to your podcast episode and we take care of the rest! Plus, we offer lightning-fast turnaround times so that you can get your lead magnet up as soon as possible.

Try Podcast Maximizer for a faster way to turn your podcast guesting appearance into multiple leads for your business.

Publish & Promote

Publish on Website

We add your eBook to your website as a digital download. This reduces your website bounce rate and gains you new email subscribers & social media followers.


We publish your eBook on Amazon and as many international platforms as possible. We’ll provide the best options for you, handle all account and file creation, and make sure your book is prepared for launch.


How much does it cost?

Our packages range in price from $499 to $2,999.

How long does it take?

Our typical turn around time is 14 days. This will also depend on how long the manuscript is and how much additional content you would like to add to it.

Do I have to write anything?

No. Our writers take your podcast episode and professionally transcribe it so it is sure to maintain the proper intended context of the conversation. The eBook is then written so it focuses on the problem you solve for your clients. Some of our customers choose to expand on topics when presented with their manuscript.

If you ONLY landed one more ideal client as a result of having this asset available, what would that mean for your bottom Line?

Who we are

Podcast Maximizer was founded by Jeremy Baker, a digital marketing veteran of over 10 years.

Many of his marketing clients were getting booked as guest experts on podcasts hoping to get new clients from their appearance, but were just not getting results expected from the time spent. They took time preparing and offering their advice, but no new clients came from it and he wanted to come up with a solution for them.

The Internet is packed to the brim with content. The quantity is not the problem. Distribution is. We don't help you create more content. We help you maximize the impact of the content you've already created and put it in front of more people in your target audience.

We do that by converting it into new media formats and distributing through a wider variety of channels. This allows you to reach larger audiences, generate more engagement, leads and sales without creating new content.

Jeremy Baker, Founder, Podcast Maximizer


Dan Weedin, Emerging Risk Solutions

Our Clients

Before hiring us most of our clients believed they were not publishing enough content. After working with us they discovered they have enough content to keep their email, social media, blog and other media calendars chock full for years in advance. They found they can generate more engagement, leads and sales by spending less time and money creating more content.

Jackie Collard

I'm so excited to hand my book out to prospects. It's my new business card!

Holly Porter

Speaker.Life & Business Coach

Thank you for including me in your multi-author book. So exciting to share with my friends and colleagues!

Catherine White

Business Coach & Consultant

My book has helped me get new clients and new connections!

Our clients

Before hiring us most of our clients believed they were not publishing enough content. After working with us they discovered they have enough content to keep their email, social media, blog and other media calendars chock full for years in advance. They found they can generate more engagement, leads and sales by spending less time and money creating more content.

Our mission is simple:

We take the high-quality content pieces you already own, carefully and strategically tweak, fine-tune and adapt them for new distribution channels helping your message reach a wider audience without creating a single new piece of content.

About Our Reputation:

Holly Porter

"Thank you for including me in your multi-author book. So exciting to share with my friends and colleagues"

Catherine White

"My book has helped me get new clients and new connections!"

Jackie Collard

I'm so excited to hand my book out to prospects. It's my new business card!

Who this is for

If you are an entrepreneur and have been interviewed as a guest on a podcast you probably qualify for this program! Find out if you qualify by taking a brief survey with the button below

Ready to get more leads & grow your contact list?

This service has three plans starting at $499 & ALL include professional editing and cover design, fast turn around times & one free year of hosting for your flipbook! This is the perfect service if you want to maximize your podcast appearance without any additional effort. No writing necessary.

Still Have Questions?

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Copyright 2023 -© Podcast Maximizer